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You know those people who are enjoying longer, healthier lives?

How would you like to become one?

Because you can. You might just need a little help from Selph.

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Don't just take our word for it

Customer Stories

At Selph, we've helped thousands of people to BetterHealth.

What is BetterHealth?

Just imagine you had your own doctor who's job it is to keep you as healthy as possible, for as long as possible. Imagine they only care about you, not "the system". Imagine they have the time to actually get to know you and what makes you tick.

Then, back this up with regular health tests, so you can see what's going on inside you and how you're improving.

Finally, what if you added in a bit of science, a bit of tech and a pinch of Selph magic?

Well, then you'd have BetterHealth - your personalised, preventative healthcare service.

How will BetterHealth help me?

Our goal is to give you 10 more healthy years. What you choose to do with them is up to you. Dance at your grandchild's wedding. Get a scratch handicap. See the Taj Mahal. Learn to play the guitar. Write a book. With BetterHealth, anything's possible.

There's no secret to living longer in better health. We know the top causes of death are heart disease, cancer, dementia and diabetes. What's more, we know how to prevent them or at least delay them for a long time. We know the factors that affect your ability to make the most of your years and we know how to optimise them for the long-term.

BetterHealth just combines this know-how with diagnostics so we can see where you are, track your progress and watch out for any early warning signs.

How does it work?

We start with a free consultation to understand your needs and then put together a personalised test panel to figure out what's right, what's wrong and what you might need to do.

You'll talk through your results with your personal doctor and get a plan to start you on the road to BetterHealth. We'll go at your own pace, health is a marathon, not a sprint, and we're in it for the long-term.

Then it's over to you to start making the changes that will make the difference but we'll be there to support you along the way with regular check-ins and follow-up tests as required.

After 12 months, we'll take stock and see how you're doing. We'll adjust your plan as needed and keep you on track to better health.

What's included?

In a nutshell - everything you need to understand how to improve your health for the long-term.

Testing, consultations, follow-ups, support, advice, encouragement, a round of applause, a standing ovation, a parade in your honour... sorry, got a bit carried away with those last few. But you get the idea.

The basic programme includes the initial test panel, a review with your doctor and a plan to get you started. We'll check in with you after 6 months and it might be time for a few more tests. You'll also have access to our doctors in between consultations if you have any questions or concerns.

How much does BetterHealth cost?

When it comes to health, we're all different so we don't do one-size-fits-all pricing. The initial, in-depth test panel and review with your doctor starts at £449 but you might want to add a few extras depending on your needs.

After that, it's £75 a month which you bank to cover the cost of your next set of tests and consults.

If you decide at any point that BetterHealth isn't for you, you can cancel at any time and we'll refund any unused credit.

What's tested with BetterHealth?

To kick-start your journey to better health we've put together a comprehensive test panel that covers all the bases.

We'll check your liver, kidney, thyroid, bone health and key vitamins and minerals. We also go deep on your cholesterol, sugar-handling and inflammation to get a thorough understanding of your metabolic health.

However, BetterHealth is for everyone and we're all different. That's why we recommend having a chat with one of doctors to make sure you're having the right tests for you and your goals. Maybe we need to check your hormones or screen you for bowel cancer? We'll personalise the test panel to suit your needs.

Full blood count

A full blood count is a fundamental test which checks for anaemia and inflammation which can be caused by many conditions.

What's measured:

Advanced lipid profile

Your lipid profile - the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in your blood - is one of most important risk factors for heart disease. High cholesterol also increases your risk of stroke and dementia. In addition to this standard panel we check your Lp(a) level, the commonest genetic cause of heart disease (affecting 1-in-5 of us) and your ApoB level. ApoB is a marker of the number cholesterol carrying particles in the blood and it a better predictor of heart disease than LDL- and non-HDL cholesterol.

What's measured:

Sugar handling and insulin resistance

How your body is handling blood sugar is a fundamental part of your metabolic health influencing your risk of heart disease cancer and dementia. We check your fasting blood sugar, HbA1c and insulin levels which gives us an in-depth look at your sugar-handling and allows to calculate your insulin resistance score (HOMA-IR).

What's measured:


High sensitivity CRP is an accurate way to measure the levels of inflammation in the blood. Chronic inflammation can have many causes such as autoimmune disease, heart disease and gum disease. We also check your uric acid level which is related to high blood pressure, heart disease and gout.

What's measured:

Thyroid Health

Your thyroid gland controls many aspects of you metabolism. Thyroid problems are common and will affect all aspects of your health from your gut to your skin and mental health. We check your core thyroid markers as well as antibodies that indicate automimmune thyroid disease.

What's measured:

Liver Health

Your liver is the main organ affecting how you metabolise pretty much everything you put inside your body, including food, drink and medications. Alcohol and excess body fat are common causes of liver injury.

What's measured:

Kidney Health

Along with your liver, your kidneys are crucial to filter and detox your blood. But common conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes can cause damage over time. We check kidney function using the marker cystatin-C that has been shown to be more accurate than the more commonly used marker (creatinine) which is the standard in the NHS

What's measured:

Iron Status

Iron is essential for your red blood cells and immune system. Iron deficiency is the commonest mineral deficiency in the UK, particularly if you're on a plant-based diet or are a woman before the menopause. Iron deficiency can also be a sign of cancer.

What's measured:

Calcium and Bone Health

We check your calcium and phosphate levels along with alkaline phosphatase, a marker of bone metabolism. In addition to bone health, calcium is a useful marker of your parathyroid gland function.

What's measured:

Essential Vitamins

Vitamin B12, folic acid and vitamin D are fundamental to health and deficiency is common.

What's measured:

Our Experts

You're in good hands.

Dr Claire Merrifield MRCGP PhD

“ Preventative, proactive healthcare

I left the NHS to set up a company that's about preventative, proactive healthcare. We need to stop waiting for illness to just happen to us. Your health is the most precious gift you'll ever have. Selph can help you take care of it."

Woman head illustration

Dr Claire Merrifield MRCGP PhD

Our Medical Director

Dr Alasdair Scott FRCS PhD

“ Let's stop being "normal"

Traditional healthcare wants us to be "normal". But normal people get heart disease, cancer and dementia. So let's forget about normal. Selph can not only show you what optimal health looks like, we can help you get there."

Man head illustration

Dr Alasdair Scott FRCS PhD

Our Science Director

Find out more about BetterHealth